Demodex Of Eyelashes

Demodex is a disease caused by a demodectic ciliated mite that lives in the sebaceous glands of the face and hair follicles.

A demodex tick is considered a conditionally pathogenic microorganism until a malfunction occurs in the host's immune system and it begins to actively multiply. This is evidenced by swollen and reddened hair sacs, as well as disease-specific symptoms.

It is not easy to get rid of the disease, but it is still quite possible, especially if a timely diagnosis is made. Since the size of the tick does not exceed half a millimeter, it is impossible to see it with the naked eye, therefore, in the presence of specific complaints and symptoms, the patient is prescribed an analysis of eyelashes for demodex.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms that a person develops demodicosis of the eyes are the following conditions:

  • unexplained eye fatigue;
  • constant itching of the eyelids;
  • swollen, reddened eyelids;
  • formation of plaque on the edge of the eyelid of one or both eyes;
  • the formation of a crust on the eyelashes, due to the presence of which they stick together;
  • the appearance of visible scales on the eyelashes;
  • discharge from the conjunctival cavity;
  • frequent relapses of barley;
  • loss of eyelashes.

Demodecosis of the eyes can occur both in isolation and simultaneously with a similar facial disease, redness of the skin areas on it will be added to the listed symptoms. In this case, a study of skin scrapings on demodex is prescribed.

How demodecosis infection occurs

The spread of the ironworm tick is carried out during bodily contact with its carrier (hugs, kisses), the use of general hygiene and household supplies (towels, bed linen, items for applying cosmetics). This parasite may be present on the human body, but it does not cause the development of a pathological process. Its activation is provoked by internal and external factors associated with a weakening of the general condition of the human body.

According to medical statistics, 95% of the population are carriers of the tick. The probability of developing the disease increases with age – the elderly make up 2/3 of patients with demodecosis. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in sebum production. The "favorite" habitat of the parasite is considered to be the sebaceous and meibomian glands – there are all conditions for its reproduction. The presence of a tick is indicated by the presence of cylindrical dandruff on the roots of the eyelashes. However, it is difficult to determine the presence of the disease independently at home. To confirm the diagnosis of "Ophthalmo-demodecosis", a laboratory study is carried out to identify the parasite.


The treatment of this disease is long–term - at least for 2 months the patient needs to take medications and follow certain rules:

  • to abandon the use of feather pillows, wearing terry and knitted products;
  • wash bed linen at high temperature;
  • change the pillowcase on the pillow daily;
  • sleep only on your back;
  • exclude the use of any decorative cosmetics;
  • for facial care, give preference to a moisturizer.